Monday, July 5, 2010

Movie Review: Green Zone

Political drama, hidden in an action movie. That pretty much sums up this film. It wasn't bad at all, but after a while, it was pretty evident that you could see where things were headed. Matt Damon plays an officer who is torn between his duty as a soldier and what he knows is the right thing to do. Greg Kinnear plays the douche that spreads lies about WMDs in Iraq, and when the intel doesn't check out, others start to question the validity of his claims. Brenden Gleeson (In Bruges) doesn't buy it and hatches a plan with Damon to get the truth out. When the stakes are this high though, the truth can be a dangerous thing. It's not quite the next 'Bourne' movie I was expecting, but still had plenty going on to keep the war-time action on par with the conspiracy side of the story. It's worth a watch, but just be prepared for the heavy political agenda that comes along with it.

I give Green Zone a 7 outta 10.

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