Kick-Ass! When I used to work at a comic shop (Treasure Island Comics in Fremont, CA... Check 'em out!) I loved it when people would come in and ask how the book was. The answer was always the same after every issue that came out: Kick-Ass! Punny? Most definitely. Wrong? No. This movie was in the works even before the first story arc was completed, and with the creative team working closely with the production, I had a feeling the movie would be just as Kick-Ass as the book, and I was right. Matthew Vaughn did it again, proving why he is one of my favorite directors right now. I'm not even a big fan of Nick Cage's recent stuff, but I liked him in this movie a lot. There was a lot of controversy about the young character of Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz) and the "adult content" that the character takes part in, and I understand the concern, but let's be honest... she kicked major ass! The movie was shot really well, the soundtrack was awesome, and the cast was perfect. I loved every second of it. Is that just the fanboy in me geeking out? Maybe, but if you want to see a shit-ton of action and violence, this movie delivers!
I give Kick-Ass a 9 outta 10.
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