Denzel! Gary Oldman! Mila Kunis! All playing in a kind of Max Maxish future where books are hard to come by, but Eli has a very special and rare book in his possession. When Carnegie (Gary Oldman) finds out, he will stop at nothing to get it. Hell, he's even willing to whore out his step-daughter, Solara (Kunis) if it gets him what he wants. In this movie, Denzel is a total bad-ass, and Oldman goes back to playing a nasty SOB like in the good ole days. Add a helping of a dirty, desolate future and a bunch of people running around looking for hidden treasures from the past, such as soap... Yeah, I know, classy. If our future is anything like this movie, then we are pretty much screwed. It's a fun movie, but not too stimulating.
I give The Book of Eli a 5 outta 10.
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