Okay, this review is a little overdue, but better late than never. No one can dispute that James Cameron is one of the greatest directors of our time. His movies are legendary; including Aliens, Titanic, Terminator and more. Avatar was visually captivating. The CG was immaculate. The story was entertaining and full. The cast was top-notch as well. As much praise as this film has gotten however, I still saw a few flaws in my opinion. My first issue was with the mechs. Not actually with the mech suits themselves, but with their weapons. Firstly, why aren’t their weapons built in? That is very inconvenient. And even more that that, shy do the operators have to mime holding the weapons? Again, not really the most productive way to do things if you ask me. I don’t know about you, but if I was miming holding a gun whilst controlling a big-ass mech armor, I might be a little hindered. Just an observation. The other thing that bothered me, and I feel that most people just glanced over it without any thought… The story was nothing I haven’t seen a thousand times! I even heard someone reference Fern Gully a couple weeks back. Hahaha. If that doesn’t explain where I’m coming from, nothing will. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still thoroughly enjoyed the film. It was entertaining and colorful and a great piece of film.
I give Avatar an 8 outta 10.
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