Friday, January 9, 2009

Movie Review: War, Inc.

I wanted to see this movie when it was in theaters, but missed out. I am a really big fan of John Cusack, and with the additional talent of Marissa Tomei, Dan Aykroyd, Joan Cusack, and Ben Kingsley... plus Hillary Duff, it makes for a really fun ensemble. In this film, Cusack plays an operative/military contractor for a company called Tamerlane. He poses as a trade show producer in a small, middle-eastern country while he goes to work. There's action, comedy, and drama. The ending is a little on the weak side, but it's still a lot of fun. Easily enough to keep you interested for an hour and a half. it really could be the sequal to Grosse Pointe Blank! It even has most of the same cast! It's a really fun movie, and if you get the chance, I definitely recommend it!

I give War, Inc. an 7 outta 10.

Movie Review: The Spirit

It seems like more and more comic book movies come out every year. Some, like Batman or Spider-Man everybody knows about. Some lesser known ones, such as; Road to Perdition or Hellboy, and now the Spirit come along as well and introduce movie-goers to a world they did not know about, and hopefully give them a reason to look more into the subject matter. In the case of the Spirit, it's not so easy though. The Spirit was a comic book detective/adventurer created by the legendary Will Eisner. Frank Miller, who wrote, produced, and directed the film incarnation is the brain behind Sin City and 300. Those are great books and moves respectively, but he did something to the Spirit that I did not really understand. The dialogue was classic Frank Miller, no doubt about it, and the look was very Sin City. Both things are very enjoyable... in their element. The Spirit doesn't really belong there though. It did have it's share of funny moments and it looked great, but I think there were some serious mistakes made on the production side. Sam Jackson was great, as usual, and the rest of the cast was only impressive at times. It was very flashy, and quirky, but lacked substance, which always makes me sad. If you've seen it, good! If not, you can probably get away with waiting for it to come out on DVD.

I give The Spirit a 5 outta 10.

Movie Review: Zack & Miri Make A Porno

This movie takes everything I love about Kevin Smith movies (minus the Jay and Silent Bob element) and everything I love about Judd Apatow movies and puts them together like movie PB&J gold! It's raunchy but it has heart. It has real people in hilarious situations. It has story development and character development! All this in a movie with the word "porno" in the name?! Who would have guessed, right? I liked it, can you tell? Like all movies, it does have it's flaws too though. At the end, when the inevitable shit goes down, and our titled characters separate, there is a gap in time implied that seems unreasonable and the events that follow after also seem a bit out of sink with the flow of time and space, and the rest of the film. it makes the ending a bit soft, but still gives us plenty of closer. If could have been written better though, and it does pain me to say that. (Sorry Kevin Smith, I still love you!) Go see this movie though, besides the porn stuff, it's actually pretty classy!

I give Zack & Miri Make A Porno an 8 outta 10.


This is a big moment for me. I am officially starting the transition from my myspace blog to a real-type blog for grown-ups... Sort of. I will start with a little back tracking. Re posting some of my more recent movie reviews, and then from there on out, writing new ones, and then the additional update on all things associated with my life in Hollywood. Stay tuned, there are some amazing things to come!